Two separate articles this week talked about the pressure on admissions officials to maintain enrollment, increasing concern at more colleges about the ability to maintain enrollment levels, and general angst about attracting qualified students who will actually enroll in the college.

We’re all aware that dual enrollment has been repeatedly proven to increase college enrollment in a number of ways–higher initial enrollment rates, higher percentage of students who return for their second year, higher completion rates. shown to

But it’s also worth noting the specific value of dual enrollment as a recruiting tool. Here’s one of many data points from published research:

In 2003-2004, 71% of Running Start students continued their studies at the same community college where they had participated in Running Start after High School graduation. (from The College Ladder: Linking Secondary and Postsecondary Education for Success for All Students, American Youth Policy Forum, p. 31)

Something to share with your admissions director when the budget process rolls around.