DualEnroll increases enrollments, improves course alignment, and drives efficiency for colleges and their partner high schools.

Dynamic Workflows
DualEnroll launches conditional steps as needed based on college-specific criteria and policy. Every workflow exactly matches the college's unique requirements.

Custom Reminders
Sending the same email over and over is spammy. Send targeted reminders based on status and deadlines and specify unique content for each reminder.

Smart Course Finder
“One-stop shopping” for all course types, pre-filtered by high school. Faceted search by course format, campus, schedule, subject, and location.

Integrated Messaging
Steps can include text and/or email notifications, custom reminders, or instream comments. All messaging is fully integrated with the overall workflow.

SIS Integration
The student system is always the system of record. DualEnroll synchronizes data to ensure all information is accurately captured.

Dynamic Dashboards
Function-specific dashboards and multi-faceted filters let users create customized views ‘on the fly’ to accommodate specific tasks.

Global Processes
Required tasks for all students or instructors (evaluations, syllabus updates, PD) are launched with a single action, then tracked by task type and instructor.

A full suite of reports includes every program data element. All reports are generated as .csv files, allowing the college to easily sort, filter and analyze data.

Program Automation
Custom workflows for registration, instructor management and new instructor credentialing processes automate all aspects of your program.
The DualEnroll Difference
Cloud-based SaaS Architecture
The DualEnroll platform was architected as a natively multi-tenant cloud SaaS platform. Multi-tenancy and native cloud architecture enables the most effective security practices and ensures that all colleges can take advantage of new features as released.
College-specific Configuration
Because no commercially-available workflow engine provided the level of customizability required for dual/concurrent enrollment, DualEnroll built a proprietary workflow automation engine and library of process steps we call ActiveFlow. Each ActiveFlow step is highly configurable and can include:
- Customized wording or instructions
- Require one or more document uploads
- Require specific type(s) of documents to be uploaded
- Limit who can view or complete the step
- Email and text notifications, including custom wording
Integrated Communications
DualEnroll includes both automated and optional communication capabilities organically within each workflow. Communications can include any combination of text messages, email, file uploads and interactive comments. All communications are contained in the DualEnroll workflow versus being scattered across various email accounts, and a complete audit trail and history of all communications is stored in the workflow record and accessible to authorized users via the user interface.
Custom Reminders
In addition to automated reminders, DualEnroll provides a tool to easily send as many custom reminders as needed to everyone who has not yet completed a required action. Reminders can be sent by email, text message or both. The ability to customize reminders is critically important in achieving desired responses. Just resending the same email over and over quickly begins to feel ‘spammy’ and has limited effectiveness, but a custom message makes each reminder unique and explains the urgency of the request. Our experience shows that customized reminders are 4-5 times more effective in generating a response.
Any DualEnroll step can include fully-integrated commenting and response capabilities. Commenting enables interactive discussions which supports effective faculty mentoring and problem solving with high school partners. Importantly, these comments are organically embedded in the actual workflow steps, not ‘tacked on’ as notes on a separate screen where they can be easily overlooked. All comments are maintained within the DualEnroll platform and visible in the workflow history, so the college has a permanent record of the complete interaction.
Optional SIS Integration
DualEnroll.com utilizes a standards-based data exchange process to integrate as needed with your Student Information System. We know you’re skeptical—every college has at least one horror story about trying to get a third party system to work with their SIS. Our reference customers will gladly confirm that the SIS handshake requires minimal work to set up initially and works seamlessly once in place.
NACEP Accreditation Support
DualEnroll customers include many colleges who are already NACEP-accredited or are preparing for the NACEP accreditation process. By automating the college’s mentoring and supervision processes across the entire instructor population, DualEnroll streamlines and simplifies compliance with NACEP requirements and provides easily accessible required evidence for Faculty Standards. DualEnroll also provides a comprehensive, integrated platform for contact and profile information, document collection and management, maintaining mentor/liaison assignments, and creation and tracking of professional development milestones.
The DualEnroll platform was designed from the ground up to support efficient completion of required actions and administration of the overall program. We’re constantly adding new tools to streamline tasks that are difficult to manage, waste time, or just generally make people crazy. DualEnroll allows colleges and high schools to complete their work in a fraction of the time, freeing up precious hours for initiatives that drive strategic improvements.